This is a simple self-assessment and feedback tool. It supports a DHB or service to measure and monitor progress towards best practice in addressing sudden infant death. It has been designed to provide an overview of the status quo, highlight achievements and identify current issues and challenges.
How to use
This tool can:
A self-assessment of your DHB or service undertaken every three months shows the steps to best practice already taken and those still needing to be taken. It acknowledges that change is a process.
How well does your DHB or service provide a supportive environment for action on sudden infant death by staff and families?
Thank you for submitting your Safe Sleep Service Standard self assessment
If you have: •an up-to-date written policy
Well done, you score 10 out of 10! Keep on doing what you are doing.
If you didn't get 10 out of 10 please feel free to talk with us and we can work with you to improve your score for next time.
From the team at Change for our Children