The safesleepstarEM education mark

An education mark is a new concept developed by Change for our Children Limited.

It is a way for products to carry independent information and help with purchasing decisions.

In time, we hope it will support more manufacturers to consider the needs of development when designing products for babies.

Our company has provided infant safety education to professionals and communities since 1994, under contract to the New Zealand Ministry of Health.

Baby Sleep Products 

With a plethora of baby sleep products on the market it can be difficult to make choices and decisions on what to purchase and what not to purchase. May the links and details below help guide your understanding and support you in your decision making.


On the back, clear face, close by, own space, breastfed, smokefree, every sleep protect me


Click to learn about the evidence behind the safe sleep recommendations and how to use safe sleep principles when deciding the sleeping arrangements for your baby.


Confused about what to look for in a baby sleep product or buy as a gift? If you are a new parent, relative or friend, you'll find some simple principles here to help with your purchasing decisions.




How does your store and or your product endorse international and national safe sleep recommendations?

Does the imagery or products you have displayed confuse parents or undermine health professionals? Click here to find out more about imagery and its effects.

Options to support you:

1. Use the safesleepstarEM education mark on products.

This is an independent reminder of the care a baby needs in the early months of life. The product is the vehicle carrying the information so that it is on hand at 'point of purchase' and 'point of use'. It is NOT an endorsement of a product or company. Click here for more information, if you would like to support the education and use the safesleepstarEM education mark on your packaging, products or in shop displays.

2. Become a "Promoter of Safe Infant Sleep". Participating stores and manufacturers must commit to certain criteria. Click here to find out more.

3. Click here to see some sample safe sleep qualifying statements. The statements could be added to packaging or included with products sold for use in a baby's sleeping environment, or displayed on baby product websites


We prepare thorough answers to questions we get from professionals and the public. Check out the FAQ's or ask us a question about sleep safety for babies. 


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