What is the best information on safe sleeping for twins. I have a lot of mothers asking me if the twins can share the same cot while they are small, or do they need separate beds?? I'm not sure on the exact answer to this?
Given that there is no evidence for or against when it comes to SIDS it becomes a risk benefit analysis decision. If the babies are protected by ‘face-up, face clear, smokefree’ care then their SUDI risk is managed. However, if they have been exposed to smoking in pregnancy or will be going home to smoking family, and if the cobedding as it is practiced increases the chance of asphyxia from position/bedding/environment factors then sleeping in their own protected space would be recommended. Also, if they are premature, and therefore at greater risk of suffocation and SUDI, then ‘own space’ principle takes precedence.
So it cannot be a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response as safety depends on the principles of care, vulnerability of the babies and safety of the environment. I have added a current article (below) discussing practical issues for cobedding in NICU that may be of interest.
Should Twins Sleep Together in the NICU?
Cobedding of Twins and Multiples in Hospital Settings
By Cheryl Morrissette, Guide
Updated September 09, 2010 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
There are benefits and risks when twins sleep together in the NICU.
As a NICU nurse, I love letting twins sleep together when under my care. The practice of letting twins sleep together in the same crib or incubator is called cobedding, and can be done with twins, triplets, or other multiples.
While there are benefits to letting twins sleep together in the NICU, there may also be drawbacks to cobedding. Unfortunately, there haven't been a lot of studies done on the benefits and risks of cobedding multiples.
Benefits When NICU Twins Sleep Together
Although nurses, parents, and case studies agree that there are definite benefits to letting twins sleep together in the NICU, there aren't enough large, well designed scientific studies to prove any of the possible benefits for certain. Possible benefits of cobedding multiples include:
Hayward, Kathryn. "Cobedding of Twins: A Natural Extension of the Socialization Process?" American Journal of Maternal and Child Nursing July/Aug 2003; 28, 260-264
Tomashek, K, Wallman, C, and the Committee on Fetus and Newborn. "Cobedding Twins and Higher-Order Multiples in a Hospital Setting." Pediatrics Dec 2007; 120, 1359-1366.