'Safe to Breathe' Young Parent Project Materials
"Safe to Breathe" PowerPoint presentation (with voice over)
TPU - Teaching Guide
Notes for "Safe to Breathe" PowerPoint presentation
Talk card - safe use of blankets and infant sleep bags
"Older Baby" materials
here to go to webpage
Education on safe sleep for babies of young parents
Welcome to this programme of support for young parents. This focus is to support young parents in pursuing safe sleep for their babies.
What is the issue for babies of young parents?
Facts: In New Zealand, babies of young mother (under 25) are at an increased risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)
Response: Change for our Children have been providing safe sleep education and coaching to interested teen parent units and other organisations working with teen parents. This webpage outlines two projects to support these organisations.
1.'Safe to Breathe' education kit
This project includes a kit of class education materials. Participants receive the following:
2. Older Baby "bag to sleep" project
This project is a response to the fact that one in five sudden infant deaths are of babies older than 4 months and able to change position. Loose bedding can be a hazard for these babies as they go exploring in the cots. We are working with teen parent groups across the country to trial infant sleep bags as an alternative to 'firm tucking' as a way to protect the older baby when sleeping.
here for project information reports and materials