Promote 'sober carer' message
Education to promote responsible and sober adults in providing infant care
This focus is responding to:
Deadly Combination
It? is dangerous for babies and young children to be in the care of any person who cannot keep them safe. The brain slows down when people drink alcohol or use drugs. They cannot think, communicate, move or make decisions in the normal way. They become temporarily unfit to carry out their legal duties to protect a baby or child.
What can happen
A drunk or stoned person may fail to wake to a baby's cries for food, comfort or protection, and so, fail to 'provide the necessaries'. The person may drop a baby, or be unaware of dangers in the sleeping environment that can cause a baby to accidentally suffocate, and so fail to 'protect from injury.
Arrange a Sober Carer
Be sure your baby is always in the hands of a responsible and sober adult; someone who can respond to your baby's needs, and knows how to keep your baby safe when sleeping
Support for Safe Sleep Champions
Templates and education materials are available to support and enable focus sessions and updates for colleagues. We are happy to provide coaching via phone to Safe Sleep Champions as required.
Feel free to contact us if we can support you in any way
1 Laslett AM. Ferris J. Dietze P. Room R. Addiction. 107(6):1082-9, 2012 Jun. Social demography of alcohol-related harm to children in Australia.